Thursday, January 27, 2011

Working with 555 timer and oscilloscopes

The 555 Timer is different from other microcontrollers in which it fires electric pulses in order to keep track of time.  The way it works is that a capacitor is filled by a resistor and then emptied out by a different resistor.  Depending on your arrangement, you can increase the frequency of the pulses by changing one of the resistors for a pot or replacing the capacitor with a different quantity.

An Oscilloscope is a tool used to see the signals at different points of the circuit.  When seeing the grid, it will tell whether the ciruits are correct.  On the screen a V/t graph is drawn so it shows voltage vs. time.

There are three modes in which the oscilloscope works: channel 1,2, and dual mode. Channels 1 and 2 can be setup independently and "dual" allows for side by side comparison of signals.  Normally you dont get what you see in the picture bellow, so you have to do a little work to see the signal pattern.

10K pot (blue), piezo (round sound emitter)

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