Wednesday, January 26, 2011


 Microcontrollers are mini computer chips that can store
programs in its memory unit, contain processing units,
and create an input/output circuitry all in one unit.
Once a circuit is built, the chip can be program with
a variety of functions such as motor-control, firing of
speakers, processing commands. 

After creating a circuit for the microcontroller, we needed a digital input sensor so we can execute the program for a simple task.  We used a limiting switch so that when we press the switch the LED would light up.

Instead of a switches, analogue sensors can be used.  A LDR (light dependent resistor) is a device in which touch is not necessary to activate a program.  The LDR has variable value (0 to 255) that can be adjusted to perform a task; if values are created in a range above a set point, the task is performed and if it falls bellow the set point then another task is performed.  An example is if one then light flashes, if two then light is off.

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