Thursday, February 17, 2011



Being able to build, create or theorize plans is
one thing, but presenting ones work is essential
for a sucessful future.

Tips for public speaking:

  • Know the interests of your audience.
  • Understand the matieral thourghly.
  • Be enthusiastic, no one likes a boring speach.
  • Know your strong points as well as your weak ones.
  • Practice makes perfect, rehersing a couple of times wouldnt hurt.
  • Your presentation must contain key points to be discussed.
  • Don't go overboard on info and images on the presentation.
  • No reading off the presentation.
  • Your layout should be-
        Tell them what you are about to tell them.
        Tell them what you are going to tell them.
        Tell them what you are told to tell them.
Follow this and you will do well on any presentation.


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