Thursday, February 17, 2011



Being able to build, create or theorize plans is
one thing, but presenting ones work is essential
for a sucessful future.

Tips for public speaking:

  • Know the interests of your audience.
  • Understand the matieral thourghly.
  • Be enthusiastic, no one likes a boring speach.
  • Know your strong points as well as your weak ones.
  • Practice makes perfect, rehersing a couple of times wouldnt hurt.
  • Your presentation must contain key points to be discussed.
  • Don't go overboard on info and images on the presentation.
  • No reading off the presentation.
  • Your layout should be-
        Tell them what you are about to tell them.
        Tell them what you are going to tell them.
        Tell them what you are told to tell them.
Follow this and you will do well on any presentation.


Robotics challenge

At the day of the competition we did our final checks, and things weren't
the same as before.  We had to recalibrate the robots sensors due to poor
lighting, which allways happens when in a new inviroment.

All of our carefull planning and hardwork  has lead to this...

Well didn't go as planned, but it was a learning experience and enjoyable at that.

Pert/Gantt chart

The Pert Chart is a way to show a list of activities to be done in a orderly manner.
Once listed, anyone working can refer to the chart to keep track of whats next to
be done.

In the Gantt Chart is a more detailed set of tasks about the project.  The tasks are laid
out in regards to time so that everything is sequential and everyone is on task. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Programming Vex: Ultrasonic sensor

The ultrasonic rangefinder works just like the way a bat uses its senses to find its soroundings.  A sound wave is sent out, bounces off an object, then sound reaches the sensor again.  The sensor measures how long it takes for the wave to return and calculates how far the object is.

Programming Vex: Encoders

The Encoder is used to measure rotation on moving parts.
It measures in 4-degree increments for 90 counts in a full
360 rotation. In using the sensor we are able to accurately
create movements in which the robot can do its job
proficiently and reliably.

Building Sensors

 top-(little wire sticking out)
      A line sensor is a little device used to detect difference in color by bouncing back light on a surface; the darker the surface the less light bounced back and vice-versa.  The way this works is as the light bounces back the detector receives light and creates a little current which sends it to the cortex, then the brain reads the values and determines what the surface is.

The color sensor works in a similar manner.  Instead of detecting a specific color, shine a specific color on the object and report what shines back the brightest.  When you shine lights on an object, it absorbs colors indifferent from it and reflects more of the same color shone on it.